Trevor MasonTempo di lettura: 7 minSetting up a music rehearsal spaceRunning a rehearsal space for a range of music-related activities can be an exciting adventure. But what should you consider?
Trevor MasonTempo di lettura: 8 minCancellation policiesCancellation policies differ between spaces, but what happens when you cancel late. What are the legals... Bandspace digs deeper.
Trevor MasonTempo di lettura: 5 minWhat makes a good music rehearsal space?After following hundreds of music rehearsal spaces' websites and Facebook pages we distill the best into three offer levels.
Trevor MasonTempo di lettura: 5 minChallenges facing music spacesWorried no bands will book your practice room? Think your space might not be up to scratch? Are you prepared for a rent increase?
Trevor MasonTempo di lettura: 6 minRise of PirateStarting in 2014 as a single rehearsal studio, Pirate has grown to be one of the biggest providers of rehearsal spaces in the world.